Medicine - ICU

Home Medicine – ICU

Medicine - ICU

Medicine, also known as internal medicine, is a practice that focuses on preventative measures, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic interventions for adult diseases. Primary care doctors are doctors who specialise in medicine. They are particularly adept at managing patient populations with indistinct or multi-system pathological conditions. Primary care doctors provide care to both hospitalised and outer patients and may be involved in academic research.

We at Ponjesly Super Speciality Hospitals provide the best in class medicine services by utilising the most advanced medical technology and equipment, as well as a team of friendly and medically qualified personnel. If you just have any issues or queries, please feel free to contact the emergency care number on our website. If patients have to be admitted for secondary and tertiary health care, Ponjesly Super Speciality Hospitals has state-of-the-art facilities to accommodate 24/7 healthcare monitoring and treatment. The hospital makes every effort to ensure that patients have a pleasant recovery and recuperation, and our satisfied healthy patients are proof of that.

Feel free to walk into our premises and check our amenities anytime you desire. We would be more than glad to provide all the information you need or require.


+91 4652 220086

Monday – Friday 8.00 – 18.00
Saturday 9.00 – 17.00
Sunday 9.00 – 15.00
Holidays Closed

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